Updated Contact Information for Tru Security
Following up on comments from a couple of our neighbors regarding confusing interactions with the TRU Security dispatch group we have obtained from TRU Security updated phone numbers to use when contacting them about security concerns in the neighborhood. The numbers that should be used are:
- Primary Contact Number for TRU Security - 505-712-8721
- Alternate number: 505-321-8817 - Capt. Rodriguez' Cell Number
- Second alternate number: 505-321-8818 - Lt. Hall's cell number
Spring 2015 HEAR General Membership Meeting
Our next General membership meeting for the Heritage East Association of Residents (HEAR) will be on Thursday, April 16 at 7:00-8:00 at the North Domingo Baca Multi-generational Center (7521 Carmel Ave. NE - west of Wyoming, just north of Paseo del Norte). We will have a meet and greet before the meeting starting at 6:30 pm. For more information check out our calendar event for the meeting.
2015 Neighborhood Security Update
Following our very successful mixed daytime and nighttime patrol schedule that Tru Security provided to the neighborhood during the holiday season we are working continuously with their team to develop a continuously changing program of mixed daytime and nighttime patrols that is responsive to emerging patterns of incidents in the neighborhood. The HEAR leadership receives daily reports from the Tru Security patrol, and these reports, in combination with information available through crimemapping.com (the website that the Albuquerque Police Department uses to provide maps of crimes in the city), help us update our neighborhood patrol strategies as needed.
Please remember - For emergencies call 911. For non-emergency incidents TRU Security can be contacted, day or night, at 505-515-0067 (alternate number: 505-712-8721).
If you would like to share information about an incident or suspicious activity with your neighbors you can also send an email to hear.newsletter@gmail.com to request that it be sent out through our neighborhood mailing list.