Heritage East Association of Residents

Sunrise over Rotary Park - Neil Schwartz

Sunrise over Rotary Park - Neil Schwartz


Heritage East Association of Residents (HEAR) is committed to preserving and enhancing the beauty, safety, and enjoyment of our neighborhood. 


Heritage East is one of the largest neighborhoods in Albuquerque. Over 1240 homes are located within our boundaries, which stretch from Redmont to Paseo del Norte and Ventura to Holbrook. Within these boundaries, there are several smaller neighborhoods, including Carriage Estates, Georgetown, Ventura Estates and Ridgefield. Together, we are the Heritage East Association of Residents, or HEAR.

Working together as a unified neighborhood association, HEAR has been able to accomplish many upgrades to our area. From new play equipment and landscaping at Rotary Park to upgraded neighborhood entrances and signs, to new gravel parkways along Ventura, HEAR works for you!

The HEAR Beautification Committee works to keep Rotary Park a pleasant place for picnics and other recreational activities. The committee volunteers keep the “doggie disposal” boxes maintained, as well as picking up trash and litter.  These volunteers work closely with the City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department to keep Rotary Park in top shape - and it is one of the most beautiful and family friendly parks in Albuquerque.

In addition to the visual improvements in our neighborhood, HEAR also provides an extra level of safety by retaining a security firm to patrol our neighborhood every day. We also hire neighborhood school kids to pick up weeds and trash on the major streets all year long. HEAR offers a monthly recycling program at Rotary Park, where the money earned is used to help fund our projects and amenities, as well as publishing a quarterly newsletter to communicate our goals and accomplishments to all HEAR residents. HEAR is one of the largest volunteer neighborhood associations in the City, and the board works hard to ensure we have a beautiful and safe place to live. 

All of these activities are coordinated by HEAR volunteers. The HEAR Board meets monthly to discuss issues affecting our neighborhood, and to provide solutions where problems may exist, as well as to seek new ways to make our neighborhood a great place to live. We meet with our City Councilor as needed regarding neighborhood concerns. 

All residents are encouraged to actively participate in HEAR activities. There are two general membership meetings held in the spring and fall where HEAR residents may come to speak, meet the Board members and listen to important speakers and timely topics.